JEES Publication Ethics
JEES follows the single-blinded peer review of all the manuscripts submitted to it and fully endorses the policy that the publication of an article is an important step in the development of a mutually trusted and respected network of knowledge and information. It reflects the quality of the work done the authors and described in papers. JEES expects standard ethical conduct by all the stakeholders involved in the process of publication, which include authors, editors, reviewers, and ISEES, the society, which publishes this journal.
It is responsibility of the ISEES to support the journal editors and reviewers who volunteer their time and energy, recognizing the strong efforts made by them in developing and managing the journal. The role of ISEES is to support and nurture the entire publication process and is also to ensure that best practice is followed in its publications. ISEES fully endorses independent editorial practices and is committed to provide editors all technical and legal supports.
Reviewers strongly help the editor in making editorial decisions and help authors as well in improving the quality of their manuscripts. Reviewers must not communicate directly with authors or inform the contents to any third party. Also, if they feel that the topic of the article does not match with their expertise must decline to review the article. They must not use the un-published results or those from rejected manuscripts for their own research.
The editor(s) of JEES is/are independently and fully responsible for decision-making process for the articles submitted to the journal for publication. They are responsible for peer-review and their decision may be based on the peers report as well as their own wisdom to decide independently about the fate of the article, considering the scope, area and interest of the journal (JEES) and Society (ISEES). Editor(s) would take the support and help of the members of the editorial board to decide about the publication policy and could review these from time to time, including legal requirements in force pertaining to libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor(s) may confer among themselves or with reviewers or with ISEES office-bearers' society to take decisions in such matters.
Editor(s) would ensure fairness of the peer review process that it is unbiased and follows a time-line. Each article would be typically reviewed by two external reviewers. If need be, editor would seek third opinion as well. The peer reviewers would be experts in the field, who must disclose potential conflicts of interest, if any. Journal supports transparency and honest reporting. The editor shall use the journal's email system for all communications with authors and reviewers. Journal is also receptive to the complaints made, if any, against the editorial decisions, supporting a transparent mechanism for appeals.
Journal fully protects the identity of peer reviewers. In case of mis-conduct by an author as reported by some other journal, editor – in consultation with the ISEES- would share limited information about authors/peer reviewers. Editors must not use the un-published results or those from rejected manuscripts for their own research.
Authors must ensure that the work they submit to the journal is entirely original work carried by the persons named on the article. For any information taken from any other source, due reference must be cited. For copy-righted materials, permission must be obtained. Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given, citing the papers that were referred by them.
Plagiarism in any and all of its forms is unethical conduct and is totally unacceptable. This includes use of other's paper as own paper/idea, copy or paraphrasing substantial parts of other's paper (especially without attribution) or to claim others results. Author must not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same results in more than one journal. Also, they must not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal same time.
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a scientific contribution in the work in form of idea, experimental design, performing the lab work, or analysis and interpretation of the results. Persons who have provide assistance in other aspects such as language editing should be mentioned in acknowledgement section. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all appropriate co-authors, order of their names and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the manuscript, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication in JEES. Change in authorship at later stage is usually not accepted by editor, except in exceptional circumstances for which written consent from all authors must be obtained by the corresponding author and submitted to the editor.
It is responsibility of authors to clearly identify the involvement of any chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use. Also, if the work involves the use of animal or human subjects, the authors must obtain necessary approval from such ethics committees where the work was carried out and state in the manuscript that all procedures were performed in compliance/approval with regulations and institutional guidelines.