A manuscript submitted to the Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability will be considered for publication only if it is not under review elsewhere, has not been published, and has not been accepted for publication by any other journal.
Authors are expected to designate one team member to handle all correspondence with the journal regarding the manuscript. Upon receipt, each manuscript is acknowledged, and an initial review is conducted by the editors to assess its suitability for formal peer review.
Preliminary Rejection Criteria
Manuscripts lacking originality, significant scientific or technical flaws, or not conveying an important message are rejected at this preliminary stage. Submissions deemed unlikely to engage the readership of the journal may also be declined at this point.
Submission and Peer Review
Manuscripts submitted by members of the editorial board are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and sent to external peer reviewers, with board members who are authors excluded from any publication decisions. Manuscripts deemed suitable for further consideration are sent to two expert reviewers.
Reviewer Suggestions
Contributors are encouraged, though not required, to suggest two or three qualified reviewers with relevant expertise who are not affiliated with the same institutions as the authors. However, the final decision regarding the choice of reviewers rests with the editor.
Double-Blind Peer Review Process
The journal operates a double-blind peer review process, ensuring that both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to one another. Each manuscript is assigned to an editorial team member who, taking into account the reviewers' feedback, makes the final decision on the manuscript.
Reviewer Feedback and Revision Process
The reviewers' comments and suggestions, including decisions on acceptance, rejection, or required revisions, are communicated to the corresponding author. Authors may be asked to provide a point-by-point response to the reviewers' feedback and submit a revised manuscript. This cycle continues until both reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript.
Copy Editing and Proofing Process
Accepted manuscripts are copy-edited for grammar, punctuation, style, and format, and page proofs are sent to the corresponding author for review. Corrections to the proofs should be returned within three days, as later changes may not be accommodated. The entire submission, review, and proofing process is conducted online.
Corrections and Retractions
- Retraction: Articles may be retracted for ethical breaches, significant errors, or proven misconduct.
- Corrections: Errors discovered post-publication should be rectified via published corrigenda or errata.
- Expression of Concern: In cases where there is suspicion but insufficient evidence for retraction, an expression of concern may be published.